Important news regarding April - May 2020 events
11 April 2020
Updates on Coronavirus emergency and Government disposition
Update of del 28/4/2020 at 11.30
We communicate that, following what announced by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and consequent formalization in the next few hours specifically with DPCM, all activities are suspended until further notice.
The activities that we had planned on the dates of May 11th at Mugello circuit are therefore postponed.
Update of 10/4/2020 at 15.00
We communicate that, following what announced by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and consequent formalization in the next few hours specifically with DPCM, all activities are suspended until further notice.
The activities that we had planned on the dates of 25, 26, 27 April and 1, 2, 3 May at the Mugello circuit are therefore postponed.
Update of 2/4/2020 at 13.00
We communicate that, following what announced by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and consequent formalization in the next few hours specifically with DPCM, all activities are suspended until further notice.
The activities that we had planned on the dates of 6, 13, 16 April at the Mugello circuit are therefore postponed.
Update of 9/3/2020 at 23.00
We communicate that, following what announced by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and consequent formalization in the next few hours specifically with DPCM, all activities are suspended until April 3.
The activities that we had planned on the dates of 14, 15, 21, 22, 30 March at the Mugello circuit are therefore postponed.
Update 3/9/2020 at 17.35
We hereby communicate, in compliance with the most recent DPCM and with subsequent FMI circula issued today, the cancellation of the Lorenzo Ghiselli Trophy scheduled for the weekend of 21 and 22 march at the Mugello Circuit
update 3/8/2020
Dear friends,
given the seriousness of the situation, which we are obviously monitoring carefully together with all the parties involved, we want to share with you some updates regarding the appointments of the next weeks:
Currently, the fact that Tuscany has not been defined as a red zone allows us to carry out the activities planned in the short term with specific corrections and attentions in compliance with the latest DPCM made official on 8 March.
A recent provision by the President of the Tuscany Region imposes fiduciary quarantine for those who go to Tuscany, and therefore also to Mugello, from Lombardy and the other fourteen provinces declared as a red zone.
Taking into account, however, that the situation is constantly evolving, this leads us to remain vigilant and to keep you constantly informed on the developments of the next few days, when we will have clearer indications from the competent Authorities. All this to ensure compliance with regulations but above all to safeguard your health and that of all operators.